Monday 24 February 2014


 Media Release

Health Minister Lawrence Springborg should stop hiding behind Queensland’s health boards for the cost cutting decisions inflicted on patients says Rockhampton MP, Bill Byrne.
“Time and again when decisions are made which result in cuts to patient services, the Health Minister shrugs his shoulders and says it has nothing to do with him,” said Mr Byrne.
“He’s doing it again in Central Queensland, feigning innocence and ignorance as patients tell of the pain and distress caused by forcing them to travel for treatment or to see specialists by train rather than plane."
“At the weekend, in the wake of the swing against the LNP in the Redcliffe bi-election, Premier Campbell Newman said he got the message that his government needs to start listening."
“Mr Springborg certainly needs to genuinely listen and take heed of these patients from Central Queensland and other areas throughout the state who are suffering genuine physical and financial hardship as a result of his callousness."
“I have been listening, and what I have heard from patients in my electorate are appalling tales of despair."
“The LNP promised to increase the mileage and accommodation allowances under the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme, but what they didn’t tell anyone is that they would be funding those increases by forcing other patients to endure inappropriate 10-hour train journeys and trips that run to three or four days at greatly increased costs so they can keep appointments with their consultants."
“It is questionable that these changes are actually saving money as in some cases the train fare is greater than the air fare and the extra time involved means those patients will have to spend one or two nights extra in hotels in Brisbane."
“We are now seeing decisions based on cruel bureaucracy rather than careful consideration of what’s in the patient’s best interests."
“The Minister and the Board are quite correct when they say the subsidy guidelines have not changed."
“But what has changed is the interpretation of the guidelines and the mean-spirited attitude the Board has applied to patients who require assistance."
“Staff at Rockhampton Hospital’s travel section are severely stressed over the way they have been told to respond to patients. Those staff are being poorly led during this crisis and hundreds of patients are being adversely impacted."
“In July last year the Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service Board announced a $18.74 million surplus – a profit if you will built on cuts to patient care and forcing some people to wait longer than necessary for treatment."

“What we are seeing with the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme is further evidence that the Newman Government’s policies are resulting in additional pain and suffering.”

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