Thursday 21 March 2013

Caucus vote

After months and months of rumours and innuendoes by the Media about Leadership challengers in the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, the Prime Minister brought it to a end today and called a party room spill of positions and Caucus reaffirmed it's support for Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan but the Media even after this, still had to save face and it changed tack, and raved and ranted about it and going on about high drama that this could happen, that could happen and it was all negative, negative.
Why can't the Media just say that the Labor Caucus reaffirmed it's support for the Prime Minister. No not our Media there just like sharks in a feeding frenzy chasing fish, never let the truth get in the way of a good story. As usual the Opposition Abbott, Bishop and there other underlings are running around like henny penny screaming the sky is falling, the sky is falling. Mr. No, negative Tony is at it again.

It really amazes me how people can actually change their vote over internal Party leadership contests, the Parliamentary members of a Political Party choose their leader, not the Australian people, the main concern to the average Australian should be am I better off under this Government, is my family better off under this Government? Am I doing okay under the policies of this Government in regard to i.e. Health, Education, Industrial Relations, fighting Climate Change, etc. If it is, they should make that judgement on that, and that alone and vote accordingly. Isn't that what should concern you?

I quote part of Section 24. of the Australian Constitution: "The House of Representatives shall be composed of members directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth, and the number of such members shall be, as nearly as practicable, twice the number of the Senators."

That's where the obligation of an Australian citizen begins and ends at the Ballot Box, in regard to the running of Government.

The Worker

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