Saturday 30 March 2013


Brisbane June 23, 1894


Political Programmes.

It is most astonishing to note the numerous spurious imitations of the Labour platform which, as the time for the final struggle at the polls draws nearer, are day by day being showered upon the unoffending heads of a long-suffering people. Labour is now the idol before which the would be politician hastens to prostate himself. We have Free-trade and Labour and Protectionist Labour candidates coming forward in answer to requisitions “from numerous prominent citizens,” and protesting with tears in their eyes that they have loved the worker like a brother all their lives, and are now only too anxious to show their unanswering zeal in the cause of Labour and their undying affection and solicitude for the workers' welfare, the only thing requisite, they tell us, is to return them to Parliament and Labour may confidently sit back await the millennium.

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The Country Party.

One of the most recent examples of what I may term fossicking platforms is that issued by the “Country Party.” This party is made up of the country members of the House and comprises such members as O'Sullivan, Gormly, Dickens and others of their ilk. These would be saviours of their country have issued a platform which contains among other proposals for land reform, local government, mining on private lands and a national bank. Now these men, who have sat in the House year after year and quarrelled over fiscalism, scrambled for the spoils of office and gulled the workers with old party cries and kept their attention fixed on the issues of Free-trade and Protection while land alienation, log-rolling, roads and bridges corruption was rampant, who assisted to put through infamous banking legislation and who are always prepared to support existing conditions when the question is one of straight and radical reform: these men with all their sins on their heads have now unblushingly stolen several planks from the Labour platform, and in the light of their past actions, and with the fox's tail plainly protruding from under the sheep's skin clumsily drawn over them, hope to again deceive the people and to be again returned to the scene of past misdeeds and their career of broken promises, but they will be grievously mistaken; the workers are now recognising the sham politicians who parade these reforms for the hour preceding an election and then straight way forget all about them after being returned.

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Advantage in a Platform.

They are also beginning to see the advantage of having candidates advocating certain definite reforms, and moreover who are pledged not to allow themselves to be led aside by any fiscal or other issues, but to present a solid front to all opposing parties until their objects shall be attained and their reforms realised. It is the growing recognition among the workers forming the great bulk of the electors of the pressing need for such a party as this which makes those who are working for Labour and have its true interests at heart, hope for it and predict for it a glorious victory at the next elections and the utter defeat of the country and all other such reactionary parties.                                                      MAY DAY.

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