Saturday 19 January 2013

Maryborough Women's Franchise Association.

Brisbane March 24, 1894


Our Motto: “Socialism in our time.”

The Maryborough women are ahead of their Brisbane sisters, for they have settled the question of the basis of the franchise in the following introduction to the rules and regulations of the Maryborough Woman's Franchise Association:
The association is meant to include all women who have the welfare of themselves and their sister women at heart. It is proposed to obtain through it the extension of the franchise to women on a one women one vote basis, and to promote the well being of women generally.
Now in my opinion the Maryborough women's association is going to be a huge success, for the above simple reason that there has been no trimming or temporising in endeavouring to effect some real change in the political and social status of women. The women of Maryborough have made a bold and courageous statement of their claim, and they will be respected and sympathised with by all who are in earnest in their professions of a desire for equal rights for all. The sleek and fat and thin and wiry old tabbies who consider themselves of a finer mould than their poorer sisters will see nothing but revolution in a proposal to give votes to the servants whom it is the privilege of said old tabbies to vilify and malign at afternoon teas, but they are not numerous. They are principally composed of the few ex-servants or ex-shop assistants who manage to marry well, and would convey by high-handed and lofty tyranny that they are “born leddies,” accustomed to be waited upon from childhood. Sensible women and sensible men will congratulate the Maryborough women, and men especially will feel more than grateful to them for their more than generous proposal in rule 3 - “ to assist our brothers in attaining white adult suffrage on a one adult one vote, and one vote only, basis on all governing bodies as soon as possible.”

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Maryborough Women's Franchise



This association is meant to include all the women who have the welfare of themselves and their sister women at heart. It is proposed to obtain through it the extension of the franchise to women on a one-women-one-vote basis, and to promote the well-being of women generally.

  1. These rules shall govern the Maryborough Women's franchise Association for one year from 1st March, 1894, subject to amendment by the association if found necessary within two months.
  1. Maryborough Women's Franchise Association.
  1. To secure the extension of the parliament franchise to women, and to assist our brothers in attaining white adult suffrage on a one adult one vote, and one vote only, basis, on all governing bodies as soon as possible.
  2. To advances the social well-being of the members of the association by meetings for discussion, and for social purposes.
  1. All members must pledge themselves to abide by these rules, and to work strenuously for, and be in entire sympathy with the objects of the association.
  1. Subscriptions shall be payable yearly in advance at the rate of one shilling per year.
  2. Men may become honorary members on payment of usual subscription.

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