Wednesday 5 September 2012


Brisbane, May 30, 1891

The Government's Coercion Pill That Doesn't Seem to Work.

The conclusion of the “conspiracy” cases at Rockhampton on Wednesday week last was a bit of a surprise, as after the jury had hung for 36 hours it was reasonable to expect that it seriously disagreed. However, Harding's humour seems to have been too much for the gentlemen of the jury, and finally they said that twelve of the fourteen were “Guilty” with a unanimous recommendation to mercy. This recommendation was attended to by the gentle judge as might have been expected: he gave the prisoners four years a piece, three years hard labour and to find sureties for good behaviour for another. The names of those convicted of “conspiracy” are:-

W.J. Bennett, Chairman Strike Committee
W. Fothergill, Secretary Strike Committee
A.J. Brown, Member Strike Committee
Hugh O. Blackwell, Secretary Q.L.U.
E.H. Murphy, Secretary Roma Branch Q.L.U.
George Taylor, Organiser C.D.C.
Alex. Forrester, Organiser C.D.C.
W. Hamilton, Delegate Strike Committee
W.H. Smith-Barry, Delegate Strike Committee
F. Griffin, Chairman Clermont Camp
A.S. Stuart, Member C.D.C.
Robert Prince

It will be seen that with hardly an exception this list is a thoroughly representative one. It is, in fact, only one proof that the authorities are working hand in hand with the squatters to break the strike by weeding out the leaders, who could only be got at by forgotten statutes of George IV. The following two were acquitted:-

Thos. J. Ryan, Member Strike Committee
Isaac Fry

Ryan returned at once to Barcaldine and on Tuesday resumed his seat on the Strike Committee. The twelve were taken to St. Helena on Tuesday last, strongly escorted, on the Government steamer Otter.


The Peak Downs “rioting” cases, so called, also came in for Harding's tender mercies. The sentences were:
Thomas Lowry, Daniel Murphy, and John T. Heathcote - three years each.
P.J. Dobbyn - two and a half years.
W. Dover – two years.
D.J. Bower – one and a half years.

All to find sureties for a further year's good behaviour. In addition to these Martin, for alluding disrespectfully to “old Mother Brown” and talking of the value of “shears” in getting find sureties for two years.
In addition to the above a large number of men have been sentenced by the squatter P.M.'s to various terms of imprisonment under various pretexts. Secretary Kewley, of the Q.S.U. has been committed for perjury they seized his papers just the same and there are men awaiting trial for alleged arson and intimidation in various places. It is useless to make any comment or do anything in the way of agitation for the release of Labour prisoners at present. So we may as well save our breath for a more auspicious time, which won't be very many months.

Reorganising the Bush Camps.

On Wednesday, May 20, the Barcaldine Strike Committee received reliable information that its arrest was intended by the authorities on the following day. Its sitting was therefore prolonged through the night with the result that the following was issued early next morning:-

FELLOW UNIONISTS:- The Central District Council Strike Committee having received information that it is to be arrested in order to facilitate the plans laid by the employers for the destruction of Unionism, leaves the following plans for the carrying on of the strike in the care of its successors, earnestly asking of all the bush unionists loyal consideration of regulations which circumstances prevent it putting into force itself, and further appealing to all our fellow unionists throughout Australia for sustained assistance in this common battle against aggressive capitalism.

Whatever may happen this Strike Committee urges upon all that the fight be continued unflinchingly, and demands of every individual man that there shall be no hesitation in stepping into the official positions which now lead honest workmen to goal. If unionism is not worth going to prison for it is not worth anything at all. The real strike struggle is only beginning, and if capitalism does not crush unionism before the general shearing begins, it knows that general shearing under “freedom of contract” cannot take place at all.

This being the situation this Strike Committee appeals to bush unionists to brave every difficulty and to endure all the oppression of unjust law, and to fight out to the end whatever happens.

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